We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. For your convenience we have included different contact methods, including our social networks. Don’t hesitate to contact us in the most convenient form for you. We can help you with suggestions, recommendations and useful information for your stay.
Let us help you plan your perfect trip to Monferrato.
Call the property at +39. 3458065758 or write us an email using the contact form or at info@palazzopaleologi.com

Where we are?
Check out our adressRelais Palazzo Paleologi
Via Bobba, 1 – 15037 Loc. Lu – Lu e Cuccaro Monferrato, Alessandria, Italia
Call us now!
ContactRelais Palazzo Paleologi via telephoneCall the Relais Palazzo Paleologi
Tel. Relais +39.0131.741507
Cel: +39.3896932957